时间:2020-02-22      类别:设计风尚      来源:www.021bolang.com      编辑:勃朗设计


Balance fitness studio needs special design to transform its shabby space on the ground floor of Burke Street office building into a fashionable fitness studio with industrial aesthetics. The entire gym is designed to create two key areas: a preparation area with a changing room, storage room and water bar, and a main classroom area for yoga, Pilates and fitness classes. The gym design team meets these needs through a holistic approach, using rustic colors and clever space planning to create a calm atmosphere and encourage people to swim in the space.




The gym design team created an eye-catching entrance area with an ambient lighting system, comfortable seats and a large round table for reception. At the same time, storage and water supply facilities are cleverly set up so that guests can easily access the dressing room and work area. Hidden behind the decorative wooden screen wind, the work area is like a peaceful haven that achieves a balance between concept and design.


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版权所有:勃朗设计公司 地址:郑州市中兴南路与永平路交汇处正商和谐大厦A座911室
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